Sender’s message was sent successfully
Sender’s message failed to send
Validation errors occurred
Submission was referred to as spam
There are terms that the sender must accept
There is a field that the sender must fill in
There is a field with input that is longer than the maximum allowed length
There is a field with input that is shorter than the minimum allowed length
Uploading a file fails for any reason
Uploaded file is not allowed for file type
Uploaded file is too large
Uploading a file fails for PHP error
Date format that the sender entered is invalid
Date is earlier than minimum limit
Date is later than maximum limit
Number format that the sender entered is invalid
Number is smaller than minimum limit
Number is larger than maximum limit
Sender does not enter the correct answer to the quiz
Email address that the sender entered is invalid
URL that the sender entered is invalid
Telephone number that the sender entered is invalid
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