1-01: Предпочитают ли европейцы единство или недавний статус?
What do you think about the preferences of the European public? Do they want to be unified more, or prefer to maintain the recent status ?
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1-02: Как Вы думаете, если недавняя Европа объединится под властью США? За или против?
Do you think of that Europe is unified under the power of the USA?
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1-03: Если Европа в конечном итоге объединится, то это произойдет при эндогенной готовности или с помощью внешней вооруженной силы?
1-03: If Europe were unified/ unified eventually, it would be under an endogenous willingness or by an external armed force?
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1-04: Какая нация или государство возглавила бы объединение Европы?
If Europe were unified eventually by an external force, which nation or state would lead this process? Pan-Gaulic? Pan-German nation?Pan-Italian nation? Panhellenic naiton?Pan-Turkic people? Pan-Slavic nation? Pan-Celtic nation?
Please do with your reasons/opinion/ thinking/thought/analysis.
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1-05: Как Вы думаете, через какое время произойдет объединение Европы в будущем?
If Europe were be unified eventually, how long do you think it would happen in future ?
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1-06 Предпосылки и возможности для объединения Европы
Please imagine what are the possible prerequisites and opportunities for European unification?
What can stimulate these opportunities?
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1-07 Как Вы думаете, если кто-то скажет, что Европа - колония США?
1-07 How do you think if somebody says Europe is a colony of the USA?
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2-01 Почему европейцы или европейские лидеры поддерживают войну, чтобы ослабить и навредить Европе?
2-01 Why European or European leaders support a war to weaken and hurt Europe?
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2-02 Почему многие европейские лидеры следуют ориентации Америки вместо своих собственных национальных интересов?
2-02 Why lots of European leaders follow America’s orientation instead of their own national interests?
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2-03 Почему многие европейские лидеры потеряли свое суждение о собственных национальных интересах? или Почему этот тип политиков был успешно избран?
2-03 Why lots of European leaders lost their judgement on their own national interests?
Why this kind of politician were elected successfully?
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2-04 Как Америка может контролировать или управлять многими европейскими лидерами?
2-04 Why America can control or manage lots of European leaders?
How it does?
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3-01 Почему феодальная система просуществовала в Европе до наших дней, а в Китае она прекратилась более 2 000 лет назад?
3-01 Why did the feudal system last in Europe until modern times, but it stopped more than 2,000 years ago in China?
There are some people refer to the history of ancient China from the Qin to the Qing dynasty as the feudal era. But for my instinct, this is not true.
The feudal era is characterised by...
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3-02 Как оценить историческое значение британской Magna Carta?
3-02 How do evalute the historical significance of the British Magna Carta?
Whatever the historical record, and however many changes the Magna Carta of Britain has undergone, it embodies a core fact. The nobles can restrict the power of the Crown. Through the history of multiple regency administrations,...
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3-03 Сравните совместное управление парламентом, исполнительной и законодательной властью с совместным управлением королем, церковью и аристократами
How do you compare a political system shared by parliament, executive, and legislature to the co-governance system by the king, church, and aristocrats?
Compare the similarities and differences between a political system sharing its power with the legislature, the executive and the judiciary and another...
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3-04 Сравните событие "Магна Карта" в современной Великобритании с восстановлением аристокариата семьи Чжао в древнем Китае
What are the similarities or essential differences between the British Magna Carta incident in modern Britian and the event to restore the aristocaritic status to Zhao family’s by the king of Jin state in ancient China?
The British Magna Carta was essentially a complex process of nobility limiting...
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3-05 Как оценить историческое значение Жанны д'Арк?
How to evaluate the historical significance of Joan of Arc?
Perhaps I am running my mind too far. Personally, I see the Joan of Arc incident as the most significant event in modern Europe. It was the beginning. From this event onwards, the lower classes in Europe became actively involved in the political...
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3-06 Когда европейские низы вмешиваются в политический процесс?
When did the bottom people in Europe have the awareness or capacity to intervene in the political process to change their nation/ state/ or country?
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3-07 Почему люди в древнем Китае поддерживали централизованную систему, а европейцы до сегодняшнего дня поддерживают децентрализацию?
Why had the bottom people in ancient China supported a centralization political system for more than 2,000 years, while the bottom people in Europe support a political system of decentralization or co-governance until today?
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4-01 По сравнению с китайцами, как Вы думаете, европейцы обладают большей автономией или большей зависимостью?
Compared to Chinese, do you think Europeans have more autonomy or more dependence?
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4-02 Если сравнивать Китай и Канаду, какая страна предоставляет своим жителям больше свободы?
How do you refer to freedom?
Which parts are most important for ordinary people in ordinary life?
In your intuition and first impressions, which country gave more freedom to its residents who are living in Canada or China?
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